Lexi Amber BransonArielle Kebbel Pravardės: Am,Ber,Lex,Son,bet dažniausiai stiprioji pelenė
Meilė seilė: Kolkas dar neradusi,bet galvoja,jog greitu metu turėtų rasti.Nors kažkada buvo įsimilėjusi žmogų,bet dėja jį "suvalgė" ir dabar nebeturi nieko,kas jei sušildytų lovą ar atneštų pusryčius (t.y kraują) į lovą :D
Patinka: Labiausiai patinka padėti Stefan'ui,kai tos pagalbos jam reikia,arba padėti Elenai ir visiems kitiems vampyrams,vilkolakiams,žmonėms ir etc,jeigu jie yra su gerais ketinimais.
Nepatinka: Labiausiai jai nepatinka,kai jai kasnors vadovauja arba kišasi į jos gyvenimą.Bet dar labiau nepatinka,kai ją uždaro ir kankina.Tada pasirodo tikroji Lexi Amber Branson ir visus nugali
Charakteris: Labai stipri mergina,kuri visada yra užsispyrusi ir jeigu ji konors nori,gali tai gauti labai lengvai,tereikia kuolo ir verbenos :) Na,o jeigu ją labai labai sunervina,mergina tampa labai agresyvi ir pikta,bet dažniausiai ji būna linksma,su nuotaika ir su šypsena ne tik lūpose,bet ir akyse.O kai ji būna laiminga,su ja laaaabai smagu ;]
Amžius: palaukit,tuojau suskaičiuosiu...tūkstantis....du tūkstančiai.... pala,pamečiau skaičių,per nauja.Tūkstantis....du tūkstančiai....
Gyvenimo istorija: Alexia "Lexi" Branson was a vampire and Stefan's best and only friend. She had known Stefan and his brother Damon for over a century. She was killed in 162 Candles by Damon Salvatore to make others believe the Mystic Falls vampire was dead. She was 350 years old, making her birth date around 1659 and her turning year somewhere in the late 1680s. In 162 Candles, it is mentioned that she visited Stefan every birthday including once in 1987 during a Bon Jovi concert. She meets Elena Gilbert, and gives her some relationship advice, saying: "When it's real you can't walk away.". Elena Gilbert, thought of Lexi as a friend after helping Stefan.Lexi was born around 1659, and became a vampire in her middle twenties under unknown circumstances. In 1864, she met young vampire Stefan Salvatore who tried to feed on her, unable to distinguish his kind from human. Discovering that Stefan was a Ripper, meaning he only fed and hunt, losing his humanity, Lexi took it upon herself to help Stefan get back as much as possible of his humanity, generally by not turning his feelings off, succeeding eventually. Lexi found Stefan , now back to his Ripper ways in April 1922 before getting him off human blood around 1935. They would spend every birthday of his together, once attending a Bon Jovi concert, where they were, unbeknownst to them, watched by Stefan's ex, Katherine Pierce.Lexi comes to Mystic Falls for Stefan's 162nd birthday, and is shocked to meet Elena , who looks exactly like Katherine ( whom Lexi, even though having never met, hated for what she did to Stefan ). She first confuses the two, but after Stefan explains the situation, she becomes very supportive of the relationship.
Lexi and Stefan have fun.Damon convinces both Lexi and Stefan to come to the Mystic Grill where Caroline's party is. They play pool there, dance and enjoy the night. Lexi tells Elena about her on experience with her human boyfriend. She later starts talking to Damon and wanted to know what he was planning but he wouldn't tell her. Earlier, Damon had attacked a girl and he compelled her to say that Lexi attacked her boyfriend. Sheriff Forbes had blocked the exit to make sure no one could leave. The girl points to Damon who is standing next to Lexi, Forbes assumes that the girl was picking out Lexi and injects her with vervain before several c
Lexi staked by Damonops carry her outside. Lexi throws the cops to the side and goes after the sheriff, but Damon
Lexi after being stakedstakes her before she can get to Sheriff Forbes . She asked why he'd killed her and he said "part of the plan" and she died.In Bloodlines, Damon comes to visit Bree at her bar. Bree wanted revenge for her death because it turns out that Lexi was her friend. Her boyfriend Lee, another vampire, was about to kill Damon and light him on fire, but Elena stops him at the last minute. He told her that it wasn't for her - it was for Lexi.
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